
The Dedanists & The Society
The Dedanists are a private members’ club of real tennis enthusiasts who seek to share the virtues and pleasures of the game and to raise funds for good causes, especially junior real tennis. The club is also known as the Dedanists’ Society. It was founded in 2002/3.
Its activities are:
(i) Run real tennis and social events for the entertainment of members (tennis matches, tournaments, dinners…..)
(ii) Raise funds for good causes, especially junior real tennis.
(iii) Fund and run the British Real Tennis Academy, the national coaching programme for the best young players in the country, both men and women, in the age range 13 to 25.
The Society typically raises and spends £20K per year on the Academy. In the last few years, the Academy has produced: (i) The first British Open singles champion since 1999; (ii) The youngest women’s singles world champion with the lowest ever women’s handicap; (iii) Men’s and women’s US Open singles champions; (iv) The youngest ever British amateur singles champion ………..

Society Membership
Membership is by invitation only. The Society currently has some 200 members. It is funded by member subscriptions and an annual contribution to Academy costs from the T&RA.
Each year, the Society offers membership to a select few enthusiasts who:
• Enjoy the game and the company of their peers in clubs accross the world.
• Are of an age and handicap to enrich our match play strength.
• Will support junior real tennis by donation or active involvement.
• Could help to run the Society, now or in future.
The Society has a national reach and seeks to maintain a membership that is representative of all clubs in the UK. It was founded by MCC members who still constitute a substantial proportion of total membership. For this reason, the Society now seeks to recruit members from all clubs in the UK (and abroad).

The Foundation
The Dedanists’ Foundation is a separate organisation from the Society but closely related. It shares many of the same members, the same focus on junior real tennis and, by agreement, the Dedanists’ name. It was set up in January 2012 as a charity and a company limited by guarantee. It helps clubs to persuade more young people and schools to play real tennis - and provides these clubs with the cash grants and other support that they need. The Foundation is funded primarily by donations from founder patrons.
The Society and The Foundation
The Society is a private members’ club that directly funds and runs excellent coaching programmes for the select few who comprise the very best young players in the country. The Foundation operates at the grassroots level via the clubs. It funds clubs to recruit young people of all backgrounds and the ability to try the game for the first time. Real tennis needs both organisations. It needs the Foundation to attract new young players into the game. It needs the Society to generate the champions who will inspire those with higher aspirations and the ability to stay in the game and realise their potential

The Dedanists’ Society
Committee Members, Officers, Trustees & Other Appointments
· President
Josh Farrall
· Committee Members & Officers
Simon Roundell Hon. Chairman
Carl Snitcher Hon . Secretary
John McVittie Hon. Treasurer
Chris Marguerie Hon. Fixtures Sec from 10 May 2023
Guy Egerton-Smith
Tony Friend
David Phillips
Graham Tomkinson
Paul Weaver
· Trustees
Sir Andrew Hamilton
Sarah McGivern
John Whiting
· Honorary Professional
Nick Wood
· Admin Assistant
Phyllis Slack
Dedanists Ambassadors
The committee has appointed Ambassadors to each tennis club to be the link between the Society and the grass roots membership.
The principal role of the Ambassador is to identify potential new members at clubs where we are in need of new members. There are some clubs where we have many members and others where there are not enough!
At all clubs, the other important role the ambassador fulfils is to act as the link, being the eyes and ears for the Society, to help match managers at your club raise a team for matches and to promote the organising of fundraising events at the club, for the Dedanists such as fun tennis skills evenings
David Phillips
Designated committee member for Ambassadors
Current Ambassadors are listed below:-
Bristol Clive Archer
Cambridge Christie Marrian
Canford Dr David Dickson
Hardwick Candida Nicholls
Hatfield Stuart Rose
Holyport Yuri Kugler
Hyde James Wilson
Jesmond Fiona Harrison
Leamington James Holden
Manchester Mel Harding
MCC Tony Friend
Moreton David Phillips
MURTC Middlesex Martin Village
Newmarket Jonathan Ellis-Miller
Oratory Pam Tomalin
Oxford Derek Williams
Petworth Robert Muir
Prested Chris Vigrass
Queens Nick Browne
Radley Maggie Henderson-Tew
RTC Hampton Court Julian Sheraton-Davis
Seacourt Paul Weaver
Wellington Charles Oliphant-Callum