The Dedanists is a private members’ club of real tennis enthusiasts who seek to share the virtues and pleasures of the game and to raise funds for good causes, especially junior real tennis. The club is also known as the Dedanists’ Society. It was founded in 2002/3.
Its activities are:
Run real tennis and social events for the entertainment of members (tennis matches, tournaments, dinners…..
Raise funds for good causes, especially junior real tennis.
Fund and run the British Real Tennis Academy, the national coaching programme for the best young players in the country, both men and women, in the age range 13 to 25.
In the last few years, the Academy has produced: (i) The first British Open singles champion since 1999; (ii) The youngest women’s singles world champion with the lowest ever women’s handicap; (iii) Men’s and women’s US Open singles champions; (iv) The youngest ever British amateur singles champion.